
Through varying prototyping methods–analog, voice user interface, and mobile prototyping– I created ToothFairy. This device is a smart toothbrush attachment that rewards healthy dental hygiene habits. It pairs with a mobile app so you can see how your teeth cleaning habits compare over time.

Project Tid Bits

Duration: 2 weeks (December 2020)
Tools: Figma, Paper, Scissors, Markers, Laminator, Imagination
Role: UX Prototyper!

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Prototyping played a large role in making this project come to life. This was done using analogue, voice user interface (VUI), and mobile prototyping.


The prototyping methods I chose will allow the user to test the entire flow of the ToothFairy experience. The analog prototype will act as the physical attachment to the toothbrush. Using construction paper and a laminator, I created a realistic, waterproof, and low-fidelity version of the ToothFairy device.



The next prototyping method, VUI, will enable the user to hear what the actual device may prompt them during a toothbrushing session. I prototyped 3 different conversations for the user and ToothFairy: turn on ToothFairy, brush teeth with ToothFairy, and redeem Sparkle Points. Below are the task scripts as well as the dialogue/action flow.

Task 1: Turn on ToothFairy

Person: ACTION - Turns on ToothFairy device

ToothFairy: Hey! Let’s get brushing.

Task 2: Brush teeth with ToothFairy

Person: ACTION - Starts brushing their teeth

ToothFairy: You have started your brushing session.

Person: ACTION - User misses molars

ToothFairy: You might have missed your back left molars, you might want to give them an extra scrub.

Person: ACTION - After 2 minutes of brushing

ToothFairy: Congrats! You finished this brushing session. Check the app to see your session details and redeem your sparkle points.

Task 3: Redeem Sparkle Points

Person: Hey, ToothFairy!

ToothFairy: I’m ToothFairy, your teeth brushing companion. Start brushing your teeth to get started!

Person: How are you doing?

ToothFairy: I don’t think I caught that. Ask your question again or visit the ToothFairy mobile app for more answers.

Person: How many sparkle points did I get for my last session?

ToothFairy: You earned 98 sparkle points for your most recent brushing session. Way to go! To see your full sparkle point history, check the ToothFairy mobile app.


Lastly, the mobile prototype will allow the user to see how their toothbrushing data may be explored after using ToothFairy.

Showing off ToothFairy

To determine if ToothFairy would be a viable, feasible, and desirable product I tested my prototypes. Take a look at the video to see how it held up!

I also wrote about the ToothFairy on Medium and got published by the Bootcamp by UX Collective !