Hey friends!

I’m Sara

Here’s the gist:

  • Graduated from the Human Centered Design and Engineering program from the University of Washington in 2021 – best, coolest degree ever

  • Working at T-Mobile right now as a User Experience Designer – woohoo industry experience!

  • Love love love following type trends – ask me about my favorite typeface

  • Big fan of the outdoors (of course), doing lots of running and rock climbing these days

I’m all about advocating for human-centered experiences and
designing empathetic, data-driven, and accessible products!

Oh! and I crochet!

Yes yes I’m all about a creative outlet and this is a new one for me. My current big project is a mood blanket for 2022 (think introspection + creative vibes). That’s not done but, but here’s a few things I’ve crocheted so far!