
At T-Mobile I work on internal applications that help T-Mobile employees with things they do everyday with one of those being recognition. Recognition of others’ contributions is valued highly at T-Mobile and executives are always looking for new, innovative ways to make recognition more seamless. So, that is what we did for the Technology Recognition Portal (TRP). The TRP aims to help employees in the Technology organization acknowledge their peers, managers, and directors for the meaningful, awesome work they do day-to-day.

Project Tid Bits

Duration: 10 months (Dec 2021 - Apr 2022)
Tools: Figma, Webex, Jira
Role: Lead UX Design
Team: Sara Gustafson, Michael Tong -
Designer, a PM, and a team of developers

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How might we emphasize and facilitate recognition across the T-Mobile technology organization in an engaging manner?​

Design Requirements

Requirements gathering occurred in partnership with our stakeholders - the Technology organization executive team. Together we defined that the Technology Recognition Portal (TRP) would be:

A quick,

A central location
for 5 recognition
programs that award
Directors, Manager, & Individual Contributors

Nominate a team
or employees outside
of the technology
org for the Best
Partner Ever award​

A place to see
all prior
who have been recognized
via the TRP

Separate forms for each TRP program

  • Manual nomination process​

  • Misalignment of Technology org brand – not visually fun or engaging

Prior Solution

Our Solution

After rounds of participatory design with customers giving their feedback on the TRP we landed on a solution that satisfied all the requirements set at the beginning. Our solution even went the extra mile and included automation for an easy, simple nomination process.

Note on Practicing UX @ TMO

T-Mobile is not a traditional tech company which actually makes doing UXD there exciting! I have learned to advocate for user needs within the bounds of business needs in an enterprise setting. I have had opportunities to teach others the importance of UX and even received recognition for my UX work through this recognition portal! Everyday I ask questions about user experience to PMs, developers, and customers in hopes of making TMO a more UX-forward organization.