Made In

Made In is a mobile application for families and acts to educate and promote learning of the exploitation present in the fashion and garment industry. Made In provides family-friendly activities to engage care takers and children as well as provide ethical, sustainable brands that don’t break the bank.

Project Tid Bits

Duration: 1 week (December 2021)
Tools: FigJam, AdobeXD
Role: Lead UX Design, Co-UX Research
Team: Sara Gustafson & Sara Behbakht

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How might families engage in learning about the inequities of the fashion and garment industries?


We hypothesized that caregivers have potential to make better, sustainable decisions when buying clothes for themselves and their family. In hopes of confirming our hypothesis, we conducted a literature review.

We learned that caregivers

  1. Lack time and/or budget to buy clothes for their growing kids from sustainable brands

  2. Buy clothes when/where convenient

  3. Replace kid’s clothes with fast fashion garments

  4. Desire more cost effective options for buying sustainable, ethical clothes for their kids

Our Solution

We called our mobile application Made In to bring light to where garments are made. We often see clothing labels that say ‘Made in China’ or ‘Made in Indonesia.’ This application wishes to give a story to these 3 words.


The Made In app features three main functions: Education, Impact, Shop


Where caregivers and children can engage in activities to learn about the living wage and how to make sustainable and ethical fashion choices.


Where caregivers can see how their recent purchases through Made In have impacted the people, globally, who made their clothes.


Where caregivers can find where to purchase ethically made, living wage certified clothes for the whole family all while working under a budget.


The application features visual design elements that evoke sustainable, earthy tones to convey the intentions of Made In. The typefaces chosen are more natural and organic to create a cohesive brand narrative.


Given our solution outline we went ahead and created wireframes of the Made In mobile application. Below are wireframes I created for the shop feature where the user can chose to shop by brand or by garment.

Made In Final Prototype

Using our research, solution outline, and visual design we created the Made In high fidelity prototype. View full interactive prototype here